Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Talk About Hard Times
To better understand the Great Depression, we need to know and understand what its causes where. The 1920s brought the country great prosperity. Under President Calvin Coolidge, the Republicans took full credit for the economic boom. In 1928, after Coolidge declined to run for reelection, the Republicans nominated Herbert Hoover and the Democrats nominated Alfred E. Smith to run for president. Thanks to the great prosperity in the 1920s, Hoover won the election in a landslide.
The new President had great optimism of the future. Along with his optimism, many people invested in stocks due to a long bull market. This caused prices to soar. The bull market however, would soon come to an end as professional investors started to sell their holdings. As a result, the prices fell causing a monumental crash in the stock market.
On Monday, October 21, 1929, the stock market plunged. Later that week the market fell even further. Finally on October 29, over 16 million share of stock where sold. The stock market lost up to $15 billion in value. A total of $30 billion was lost.
Due to the stock market crashing, the nation's banks began to close. When the market crashed, the banks lost a surmountable amount of money on their investments. The banks then cut back on the number of loans they made. This put the economy into a great recession.
Since people did not have the money to buy crops and other items, there was a mass overproduction of many products. People's income was decreasing, and so their spending had to decrease.
There was also a loss of export trades. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff made the tariff rate the highest in American history. This hurt both farmers, and American companies.
All of these issues combined made life during the Great Depression for an extremely difficult situation. People with families who had lost their job struggled to get by. They would, at times, go hungry. They would stand in bread lines for hours to receive some type of food. Many people became homeless. Some would often jump onto moving trains and become hobos.
The Dust Bowl was another problem Americans faced. The wind would blow dust from the earth into the air. When the air settled, people would breathe it in along with of the dust. Some animals and humans died of suffocation. Many farms where withered and farmers had to give them away to the banks.
One way that Americans escaped from the outside world's problems was to find refuge in entertainment such as books, art, movies, and the radio. Among these, the radio and movies where most popular. Many Americans enjoyed going to the movies to get away from their problems. Meanwhile, tens of millions of Americans listened to the radio each day to stay informed of the different happenings occurring. Both of these things brought communities closer and helped them to grow stronger. Through great perseverance and willpower,Americans where able to make the best of their situations however bad they may have been.
While we may think that the economic struggles facing us today are troubling, they are nothing like the ones of the Great Depression. The problems that we have are actually quite small so far. As long as we can come together as Americans and stand United, I believe we will be able to overcome any issue that may arise just as we did during the Great Depression.
World War III...THE END

Some say that WWIII now has begun. I say it began in 1979. The first thing that happened was radical Islam took over
When it comes to
Just like WWII, WWIII will have a Depression along with it. Just like WWII and Depression I, WWIII will be the only way to distract people from their economic troubles, cover the effects of Depression II and get economies going again. Just like WWII and Depression I, bankers will be the making a great living by loaning and selling to all sides and once again picking up small businesses, farms and houses for a fraction of their actual value.
The average American, who is dumbed down by a broken education system and distracted and lied to by a highly controlled media, is not aware of most of the ongoing situations that is very real in our world today. American Christians desperately want to believe the media and its lies about Arabs starting hostilities, with
Over the past couple months this topic has came up quite frequently between Fr. Bolger and myself when we discuss the usual topics. We have come to believe that there will be two possible scenarios when it comes to the near future and the next world war. First off it will be soon, possibly within the next 10-14 months. The first scenario is
This is a very scary thing to think about. That is why many Americans don’t think about it, which is half the problem in the first place! If WWIII is to be avoided changes will have to be made, and made quickly. For anyone paying attention in religion class, Father explains it quite simply (my explanation was a little in-depth and possibly confusing, I apologize).

“If the
Everyone likes Big and Fast Food!!
There are several things that make me suprised. Especially food what Americans usually eat makes me suprised!!
Many fast food franchise are located in everywhere in America. Wendy's, McDonald, Cover's, DQ, Pizza Hut, Dominoes, KFC, Burger King, and so on. Many people enjoy to eat from these restaurants. Even I loves these places. I got weight 10pounds since I came America. I can control my diet but it is too hard to control what I'm eating because there are a lot of fast food around me.
I never seen that extremely obese people in my country. My country has many McDonald franchises. However, we are not usually enjoy this fast food. We know that these food make our health bad. Of course, Americans know that fast food is not good for health. Burgers made by mixed meats that consist of bad quality in the meat. French Fries fried by animal fat that include trans fat. Then, why they keep eating fast food? I still wonder why they like this food even they know that this is not good for their health.
There are many sweet candies in America. I think all the Americans love Marshmallow. However, it is totally fat whih cannot lose if peope run three times around the world. This is not a good fat. As for me, marshmallow is too sweet to eat two in a once. However, Americans can eat sweet food well and enjoy them. Also they enjoy popcorn during watching television and movies. Popcorn is famous food for having high rate of trans fat.
They don't have real home made food, I think. They usually buy the ingredient that already made first steps. To make pumpkin pie, they by canned pumpkin rather than real pumpkin. To make cake, they by already mixed cake mix rather than by raw ingredients. Already made ingredients also included many sweet chemical ingredients. These make people's health bad.
However, teens or young adults still pretty skinny because they do excersise or move around alot than what they take nutrition. Whatever they are skinny, they will get weight if they keep eating these fast and fat food.
These kinds of food make me suprise. The food include many sugar and fat... And many Americans getting weight withouth notice.
Americans like to eat steak and potatoes with butter rather than vegetables. Therefore, they have unbalance in their health. They need to take vitamins to make up nutrients otherwise, they will have health problems. They need to try to eat more vegetables.
We need to start to eat healthy!!!
Undeserved Reward in Schools
Mood-altering Substance

McDonald's or McNasty?

Most people these days work a lot and have a very busy schedule. This usually causes very little family time and time at home. Families who have a few kids that are in extra curricular activities sometimes don't have time to sit down and have a family meal prepared at home. This is where McDonald's and other fast food restaurants come in. They provide an easy way to get a meal that is fast and you don't have to do any work. But is the food they're giving you actually healthy and good for you? I think everyone knows that answer...the food isn't healthy. Sure they have salads and other healthier choices but do you really go to McDonald's to get a salad? No. (And by the way, their salads aren't even that healthy...one salad at McDonald's has 430 calories and 180 of those calories are from fat...you could get a much healthier salad elsewhere.) Didn't anyone learn from Supersize Me? The man in the movie was very healthy until he started eating at McDonald's...and he was only eating it for a month. He gained 24.5 pounds and his body mass increased by 13%. The french fries at McDonald's look exactly the same after letting them sit for a few months in a jar. See it for yourself! Do you really want that going into your body? Obviously McDonald's isn't healthy...no matter what you get.
But if people know that the food at McDonald's isn't healthy, why do they still buy the food? Is it because the food is good or because it is convenient and easy to get? I think it's both. People are to lazy to go home and make themselves a meal so they just stop at a fast food restaurant and pick something up. This is part of the reason Americans have become obese. Everything is given to you these days so why put work into it, right?
In my opinion, McDonald's has played a huge part in helping our country become obese...but it is also the people's fault too. They buy the product knowing it isn't what they should be eating...but its convenient so hey, why not? If you eat McDonald's once in awhile, its okay but people shouldn't eat there 2 or 3 times a week. It's not healthy and I guarantee that if most people were to see how the food was prepared, they wouldn't eat there anymore.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Transcendentalism and ...Buddhism?!
Drink As the Romans Do
For reasons not important to this blog, I was not allowed to drink alcohol in Italy. When our Italian tour guide saw that the bottle of wine at my table had not been touched one night at dinner, he was offended. My friends and I had offended someone because we were not drinking the wine provided for us, something that is a big part of their culture and everyday lives. This is a scenario that I would have never come upon in America. A major difference in Italy having no drinking age and a drinking age of 21 in America is that in Italy, it is not as abused as it is here in America. In Italy, drinking is normal and education about alcohol is taught in the homes and at an early age, which prevents alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse in America is a significant problem and I think one of the reasons is due to the drinking age of 21. Alcohol has become a “forbidden fruit.” The more you tell people they cannot have something, the more they will want it. Alcohol is not forbidden in Italy which generally does not create a problem.
Should America not have a drinking age? The answer to this question will definitely vary, as there are many different opinions on this subject. Drinking alcohol is a part of many societies, including America. It is unrealistic to pretend that the youth in America will grow up in a world of abstinence. If America was to suddenly change the minimal drinking age law to no drinking age, things would start out badly. Alcohol would be abused and many deaths would result, so during my generation, I do not think this would be a good idea because it would be a culture change. Does a person under the age of 21 not being able to drink alcohol have an affect on our society? I think so, and I experienced that first hand while being in a country with no drinking age. I think it is wise to “drink as the Romans do.” Having a glass of wine at dinner would be different to us Americans under the age of 21, but it could be something beneficial and new to our culture, especially if we go about it in the way people do in Italy.
Wal-Mart, Good or Bad
Most Wal-Mart stores have everything from clothing to electronics to food to hardware. They offer pretty much everything the people need and want. These items are also at the lowest prices. This price factor is very attractive to most people who need to save money, especially in the economy that we live in today, but saving money is not always positive in the long run. For every Wal-Mart that comes to a community, two supermarkets in the area are forced to close; due to Wal-Mart's overpowering size.
Wal-Mart also forces small clothing stores to close, and it practically destroys small downtowns. In the long-run, Wal-Mart destroys more jobs than it creates. This is a contributing factor to the rising unemployment rates.
Besides harming supermarkets, stores, and the economy, Wal-Mart also harms its own employees. The average Wal-Mart worker earns $2.12 less than that of the average supermarket worker. Wal-Mart workers usually earn $8.32 to the $10.40 that the supermarket workers earn.
Besides the low wages that Wal-Mart workers earn, workers also receive poor benefits and have high premiums. Sometimes, due to bad benefits, workers are forced to get healthcare through the government, or though their husband's or wife's healthcare plan.
As if that is not enough, Wal-Mart also forces workers to work extra long hours. Sometimes the extra hours are worked without receiving any pay. In my opinion, this is shocking, cruel, and unaccaptable.
Wal-Mart is a huge store. It is often crowded and noisy: chaotic. People must walk all over the large store just to pickup a few items. A simple shopping trip turns into a hassle. Some customers get fedup, and decide to go to a different store to do their shopping.
Wal-Marts from around the nation have been known for sloppy customer service. Customers get ignored, or simply receive the phrase "I don't know." Some employees couldn't care less about helping a customer. This factor also causes customers to go to a different store that may be a little bit more expensive, but has better customer service.
Wal-Mart has positives, like its low prices, and the fact that it provides nearly everything needed in only one store. It also has negatives. Wal-Mart destroys downtowns and other supermarkets and stores, has low wages for its workers, provides poor benefits, has extremely chaotic stores, and it destroys more jobs than it creates. In my opinion, the cons outway the pros. By improving customer service Wal-Mart's reputation could improve a small amount, but I think that we should not support Wal-Mart. Next time you need to go shopping, pick a different store besides Wal-Mart.
Sites used:
Recently I traveled outside of the United States, and I did not understand the language that was being spoken around me. Fortunately the country that I was visiting dominantly knew English as their second language. When another person I was with asked how almost every person we talked to knew English they replied by telling us they have to learn the language of English in school as they grow up.
When people travel to the United States they usually know English, so they do not have a big problem with the language barrier, but if they did not know English what would happen? No one would be able to get what they are asking for because most people from the United States would not be able to help them. Why in the United States do we almost expect others to know English? It does not seem fair to the people that travel to the United States. Or even when people from the United States travel to another country in that we do not even try to learn another language when traveling, we automatically expect others to know English.
I feel that the United States should make it a law for every school to start teaching children a foreign language right when they enter school up until they leave school. When people come and visit the United States we should welcome them and try to accommodate to them, just as they do for Americans in other countries, most of the time. Americans would probably have to vote on one dominate language that should be taught in every school, and if the school is big enough it could teach other languages as well. The parents would have to pick what language they would want their child to learn when they enter school, if they are able to have more than one language at their school.
When talking to peers of mine they said that the dominate language that would probably be taught they said Spanish. If Spanish was taught you would be able to travel to Spain and Mexico for example and have no problems getting around. Even other languages such as Portuguese and Italian would come easier to understand if Americans were taught Spanish.
Yes, a foreign language is taught in high school IF the students choose to learn the language. If students were able to learn a language their whole schooling career it would stick to them longer and they would be able to learn the language easier, instead of cramming everything they need to learn about the language in four years of high school. Most students that take a foreign language in high school forget the material they learned within a few years.
So should America make it a law to learn a foreign language just like we learn math and science…
Tupac's Death
I personally believe with a lot of others that Tupac’s death did actually happen. In order for me to believe that Tupac’s death really did not occur then I will need hard evidence that he is actually alive like a interview or video of him in present time. After all Tupac is only a rapper that lived his life dangerously and had many enemies that were out for him. He would not have enough skill to hide himself this well for so many years and not be seen by someone who would report it so that person could become famous for discovering Tupac.
Another point to prove that Tupac’s death was actually real is his manager Robert Bloomenstein was questioned about Tupac’s song called R U Still Down? He was also questioned about Tupac’s appearance in three videos that he was in 14 months after his death. Bloomenstein’s response to these questions was “Tupac was a forward-thinking man. His performances in those videos were shot more than two months before his unfortunate ‘death,’ and in no way should indicate that Tupac is still alive.” http://cracked.com/article_15659_is-tupac-shakur-still-alive.html By this we can clearly see that Tupac was working hard before he died and was very busy trying to make a name for himself. It shows that Tupac had done many things before his death that were not yet released to the media. As time went on his manager and the people Tupac worked with had finished the material using other artists to finish songs and sell albums to get Tupac’s work out. To explain Tupac coming out with new songs every year he obviously was working on many songs at once and just never released them.
One last thing that I would like to talk about is that many say if Tupac is dead then how does he come out each year with a different tattoo each year. This is really a quite simple question to answer in the defense that Tupac is actually dead and does not get a new tattoo each year. It is called something called Photoshop. It is quite easy to take a simple picture and place a what looks to be real tattoo on his body. The media does it all the time with their magazines and pictures that they present with celebrities that makes them look bad. They do this because it gets a audience and makes them want to buy their product so they can make money.
To conclude this essay I would like everyone to know that just because you hear someone say something or read something that does not sound like it would be true then it does not automatically mean it actually true. The idea that Tupac is alive is quite ridiculous and hard to believe with information that could go either way. Whether Tupac is dead or not is completely up to you to decide and I guess we might not ever know the truth of what actually happened.


In the American culture pressure is apart of everyday life weather we know it or not. I believe that it comes at us all the time. In the American culture not everyone can understand the strain of hard pressure, because they are the interrogators of pressure. Everyone could be applying pressure to someone eventually, with out knowing it.
Pressure comes to us in many different forms. I think that being under pressure to do something that we don’t want to do, is the biggest strike. Also being under pressure caused by ones self is another form of pressure.
When you are putting yourself under pressure, people around you can usually notice. When you are pressuring yourself to do things you know is wrong it causes stress. When you add your own stress to a situation that’s when pressure builds up. When you build pressure on yourself it causes outside problems. By taking time to dilute your self inflicted stress, you could prevent migraines. Checkout Mayoclinic.com for information on pressure related stress.
Being under pressure that other people cause is much more difficult to prevent but it is avoidable. When people are being put under pressure they could be doing it on purpose. People get put under pressure for many different things. Such as sex, drugs, alcohol, fashion, sporting activities, school, and more. When being told to do something that you don’t feel you need to do, it can cause pressure. Being asked questions that can lead to things that are wrong, it could cause pressure. Having the best grades but its not good enough, can cause pressure. Also having bad grades and being told to be better than you can do, causes pressure. All of these pressure causing situations will occur eventually. Being able to relieve stress from pressure causing situations is a better way to live with less pressure.
All different age groups are attacked by pressure. From infancy through adulthood we are all under pressure at some time. Babies receive pressure from their parents to be the best. Children are under pressure by peers to be in certain sports and join clubs. Teens are under pressure to try things that could lead to a rough life style. Adults are under pressure to do all they can do for other people, and fend for themselves. Every age group is prone to pressure eventually because that is that is the American culture we live in.
Oprah Winfrey. More famous then Marilyn Monroe? Oh yes. She has an Oprah effect!
America is a great country influenced by many people. There have been many influential people in the world and very famous as well. There is a difference between influential and famous, and I am just going to come straight out and say it, Oprah Winfrey is more influential AND famous then Marilyn Monroe. Sorry Oates, but not everyone knows what Marilyn Monroe did, or how she became famous as she did. Almost every sane person in America and even outside America know who Oprah Winfrey is and how she influenced the world in many ways. Even in American Literature.
Oprah Winfrey also came from a rough childhood. Her parents only had he because of a mistake and shortly broke up after she was born. She was forced to live with her grandmother because her mom could not take care of her. During her time with her grandmother, she was raped by cousins and was often beaten if she misbehaved. Her childhood was not all bad though; she was able to read at a very young age and started becoming a teacher's pet that got her some great scholarships that she took advantage of as best possible. This all led Oprah to of course well, "The Oprah Winfrey Show" which I believe started later in the year 1986.
The start of this show started one of the most incredible stories that any person, let alone women growing up of her time, has ever created. Oprah soon became a millionaire and had more money then you could ever ask for, and lets just say that Oprah is not the most selfish person in the world. Yes she does keep a lot of the money to herself, but all the things she does with it is INCREDIBLE. Making millions and millions of dollars a year, she gives over half to charity, and projects for the future that she believes will help the world. Did you know Oprah has opened up schools all the way in Africa for the children who are not even able to get an education? Oprah goes to many different countries throughout the world and is going to attempt to make the country just a little bit better. She does not even influence America, but also the entire world!
Winfrey is not only an influence with money though, she teaches great morals, always helping out, has magazines, and even has a book club that takes novels you have never heard of and instantly gets them onto the top selling list. Famously known as the "Oprah Effect." Her book club gives the author of whatever book is on her list usually millions of more copies sold. If you are on her list, your book is going to be read.
Not only is Oprah THE most famous person in America, but she is also one of the most if not the most influential person in America. She influenced American Literature but finding books that would often never been read, the becoming a book on the top selling list. Oprah Winfrey is much more famous, and MUCH more important then that of Marilyn Monroe.
difference between american schools and uzbek schools
I am going to talk about american schools. I am taking some advantages being in America. The most interesting thing for me is that in American schools students are mixed to every classes. Juniors, seniors are mixed in one class and pass over information to each other. Juniors can gather some experience from seniors while studying together. Because juniors or sophmores can imagine how to get prepare for college. And most everyone who wants to enters the college should take a ACT test. Even they fail on exam they can retest the test by paying extra money. But anyway there is some opportunity to enter the college.
Difference of Korean and English
First of all, the biggest difference is word order. For example "I read the book" is English. and word order is subject, verb and object. However, "난 책을 읽는다","Nan chak eul ilk nun da" is Korean and word order is subject, object, and verb. It is the point that most Korean people feel hard to study English.
Second, Korean language has richer expression than English. For instance, "Hot" has many meaning of in English. One is people say "hot" when they stay in the room of high temperature. and another people say "hot" when they ate spicy food. I know there are more meaning than I know.However Korean language two different words in same situation.
When people stay in the room of high temperature, they say"덥다","Dub Da". and when people eat some spicy food, they say "맵다","Mab da".
Here is another example. when I lived with the American roommate last year, I made some korean food which is called "누룽지","Nu reoung gi". My roommate want to try this food, so I gave him some. and he said "It taste weird, but wonderful weird. So I really try to say "구수하다","Gu su ha da" in english. this words is one of the taste we have. however, English has not this kind of expression. English has only simple expression. English cannot express some korean expression. For instance, when they eat salty food, they just say "its salty". but We have many expression of salty.
In conclusion, I think English is very good language, especially when I listen to american music, that rhyme was perfect to hear. However Korean is the better than English. I love English too.
Blogging is a Waste of Time
Blogging is an activity that doesn’t require much enthusiasm and in some cases, not much thought. Some blogs are just people ranting about something they don’t like or appreciate without facts or solid opinions that make other readers relate to them. Therefore, blogging is a way to write about something without the worries of finding someone to publish the works. Without the hassles of publishing, people write whatever and don’t think about how it effects readers or how to make it better, because the bloggers lack the inspiration.
Another thing I believe bloggers should realize, is that no one cares about another persons opinions. Unless a person has extreme beliefs, which not many people are that unique, then no one really cares and/or wants to waste their time reading a multitude of bloggers blogging about the same thing, which has tiny variations in opinion, if any.
Even in the Aquin High School junior class, which is exceptionally small compared to many other high school junior classes, students don’t care that much to read all the posts. With around thirty classmates, many of which have been in the same class for about twelve years, most can’t or won’t take the time to learn about their peers. That is because they only care about and want to share their ideals, which a completely human response. This demonstrates that even people who know the bloggers and are assigned to read everyone’s opinion, can’t keep the attention off themselves that long.
The thing about blogging that rubs me the wrong way, is that it means more time on a computer. I hate writing things out and without a doubt, typing makes it easier, but to express our feelings, in detail, about something then post it on the internet.. Well, its certainly an American activity. People sitting on comfortable chairs, probably eating something and rubbing their fingers across the keyboard. It’s gross to imagine and many other more productive things could be happening instead, such as cleaning or exercising. Maybe even doing other homework.
Blogging is something that bored, unimportant, unmotivated people do to pass time and relieve thoughts on random subjects. I believe blogging is just as bad as pop up ads and online sexual predators. Blogging is so unimportant and a wasteful use of time, that it’s not even a word. Now I have to add it to my Word dictionary which makes me even more aggravated towards the existence of blogging!
Japanese & America Cultural heritage

These days there are a lot Culture heritage in this world. Most of the Country has a own cultural heritage. Japan and America has are big and old Cultural heritage for each other. This time the topic is Japanese ancient temple call "Horyu-zi". The Biggest symbol of United "State Statue of Liberty"(I think I'm saying right). Now first Japan has a lot of ancient staff so I can't explain everything at here. But they still have a lot of staff in Japan Example "Itsukushima Shrine" it's a big shrine is on the sea, "Kingdom of Ryukyu" The big Kingsom had Okinawa for long time ago,"Kyoto". For America has lot's of staff to for example "Yellowstone National park","Grand Canyon",
Sunday, January 10, 2010
In today's day and age that is no longer the case. Athletes taint the name of their sport through drug use and scandals. Sub-par singers become international sensations with the use of synthesizers and technology that has the power to make anyone sound good. Actors are better known for their drug use and personal lives than their latest movies. Ordinary people become celebrities for the outrageous and senseless things they do.
Nowdays people will do just about anything to get their "five minutes of fame." Take for example Richard and Mayumi Heene. They created a publicity stunt in which their six year old son, Falcon, was said to have floated away in a home-made balloon. The hoax attracted world-wide attention, and numerous authorities ranging from the local police to the National Guard spent hours and thousands of dollars searching for the boy. As it turns out, the boy was hiding inside of his house the entire time. Richard and Mayumi Heene not only obtained their "five minutes of fame", but also two jail sentences to go along with it.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_boy_hoax#Incident)
Ordinary people aren't the only ones making fools of themselves and setting poor examples for society. Our so-called "celebrities" constantly shock us with their terrible decisions and mishaps. Kids look up to pro athletes such as Tiger Woods, Barry Bonds, and Michael Phelps. When these celebrities mess up by being unfaithful to their spouse, taking steroids, or doing drugs, they are setting a poor example for children and being poor role models. The fact of the matter is that these people are famous and are constantly in the spotlight. Fame comes along with responsibility. If people are willing to take on the glitz and glamour of being famous, they must also take on the duty of being a positive role model.
Reality TV shows are the largest producer of celebrities that set poor examples and are constantly in the spotlight for their mishaps. Shows such as "John and Kate Plus 8," "The Hills," and "Laguna Beach" are overrated. The "celebrities" on these shows are ordinary people. They do nothing exceptional besides causing unnecessary drama and allowing TV cameras to follow their every move. Why do we allow them to become famous? People need to stop idolizing over these "reality TV stars" and worry about their own lives.
America as a whole has put far too great of an emphasis on celebrities and being famous. If we didn't worship celebrities the way we do, they wouldn't be inclined to draw more attention to themselves and do stupid things. We should look up to celebrites for the good things they do: for their athletic abilities, their musical and theatrical talent, and their good works. Celebrities should also make a conscious effort to set good examples and be more careful of the things they do. If they are not willing to accept that responsibility, they should get out of the spot light. Only a small number of people get to be famous. Those that achieve the status of being a "celebrity" should use their fame and influence to their advantage. They should be positive role models for children and use their money and influece to help others.
"It's hard to stay anonymous in the spotlight. If you don't want strangers to recognize you in public, don't perform on stage or in front of a camera in the first place. Either stay in the shadows or stop complaining for the fame you asked for." - Duane Alan Hahn
Welcome to Your Life: ACT Style
College is a competition. You have to fight for scholarships, classes, and special treatment. The better you prove yourself with your GPA, ACT scores, school activities, and service hours, the better chance you have to get into an elite college or to receive a good scholarship. These simple factors can affect us in our pockets for monetary issues, our jobs, and even our social lives. This leads me to believe that the ACT might play too big of a role in college acceptance. One single 3 hour exam can change your future forever. A couple mistakes can stop you from receiving a full ride to the college of your dreams to having to shell out every dime in your bank account to go to the community college down the street. That is just too great of a weight.
I think that either the ACT should be slightly modified or that its importance is slightly lowered. The first problem I see with the ACT is the time limit. As our class just took a practice ACT, we all (or most of us) saw the effect of being rushed while trying to answer everything correctly. You can’t answer them correctly. The ACT is catered to those who work fast. Most people cannot work fast. In school we are assigned homework which we have almost an endless amount of time to do. Our tests always have a reasonable limit where we can work on each problem with enough time. Why then, in one of the most important tests in our life, are we timed? The ACT should either raise the time limits or even get rid of the time limits completely. If you don’t know an answer, waiting an hour won’t help you realize it. In this way, we can all logically think about each question and all have a fair chance.
My second solution is to lower the standards of the ACT for colleges. All other requirements you have been working on for all four years you are in high school. Why should one standardized test take preference over four years of your life? This idea is ludicrous. I think that the college’s own pre-requisite tests should be used. For most advanced classes you will have a test to take to see if you have the knowledge to take the class. Why can’t colleges have these same tests for college applicants?
No matter what I say or how I say it, the ACT will probably always be a large part of college readiness. We can only learn to take the test with confidence, practice, and a little bit of luck. We can practice time management and take practice exams to prepare ourselves. We can even take the test several times to assure that you did your best. As we all are preparing to determine our lives, I wish all of us good luck.
Elvis Presley: The King of Rock 'N' Roll
Elvis Presley had sold an estimate of over one billion records, more than anyone in record history. He had 150 different albums and singles that have been called gold, platinum or multi-platinum. Elvis did not just impress the United States, over 40% of Elvis' record sales have been sold outside of the United States. Elvis had at least 149 songs on Billboards Hot 100 Pop Chart in America, 114 were in the top forty. He also appeared on many television guest shows. He went on "Stage Show", "The Milton Berle Show", "The Steve Allen Show" and "The Ed Sullivan Show". Ed Sullivan once said he would never put Elvis Presley on his show but when Elvis appeared on "The Steve Allen Show" the ratings sky rocketed. Soon after, Ed Sullivan had Elvis Presley on his show. Elvis got paid 50,000 to make three guest appearances on "The Ed Sullivan Show" and at the end of it Ed really enjoyed Elvis' company.
Elvis not only sang, he starred in 31 feature films. For a few years he was Hollywood's top box office draws. He also had 3 network television specials. Elvis' 1973 special (Elvis aloha from Hawaii) was seen by 1 billion to 1.5 billion people. It made television history and topped the number of people who watched the man on the moon. Elvis received 14 Grammy nominations from the National Academy and Performing Arts and Sciences. His three Grammy wins were from gospel recordings. In 1970 Elvis was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation. This was one of Elvis' proudest moments. This achievement is given to men who have done something outstanding, whether it is in sports, music, science etc.
As you can see Elvis was an amazing and talented person. America's music would be very different today if Elvis was never alive. Elvis once said: “Some people tap their feet, some people snap their fingers, and some people sway back and forth. I just sorta do ‘em all together, I guess.”
"Discover Elvis." Elvis Presley. Ed. Elvis Presley enterprises. 2010. Web. 11 Jan. 2010.
America's Caffeine Addiction
The on-the-go lifestyle that is commonly seen in the lives of many Americans contributes to the need for caffeine. With countless activities filling their schedules, many Americans do not leave themselves enough time to get a sufficient amount of sleep. It is also easy to feel run down after having a full schedule without a break. As a solution, Americans boost their energy with caffeine throughout the day to keep them going.
The main source of caffeine in the United States is coffee for adults and soft drinks for children. The average daily intake of caffeine for adults is 280 mg. in the United States (http://www.caffeinedependence.org/caffeine_dependence.html). Drinking one to two cups of coffee per day is not very bad for a person, but drinking too much caffeine can cause negative effects.
By drinking large amounts of caffeine on a daily basis, Americans are causing themselves to become more and more dependent on caffeine. Some people drink caffeine continually throughout the day. There are some people who are so reliant on caffeine that when they do not have their daily amount of caffeine they may show withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. Caffeine can also cause mood changes, problems sleeping, and health issues when consumed in excessive amounts (http://www.caffeinedependence.org/caffeine_dependence.html).
Americans are becoming addicted to caffeine by drinking so much of it. A little caffeine is alright now and then, but I think Americans should find an alternative way to make sure they have enough energy than loading up on caffeine. I think Americans need to cut down on some of the activities that fill their busy schedules to allow themselves some time to relax, which I believe would help them to stop feeling so run down. Another solution might be for Americans to go to sleep at a reasonable time so that they can get a sufficient amount of sleep rather than watching that movie or T.V. show. Eating healthy and exercising are also good alternatives. On the contrary to what a person would normally think, exercising actually provides a person with more energy.
Countless Americans drink coffee or an energy drink every morning to start off their day. The large amount of caffeine that Americans consume causes them to rely on caffeine for energy. It sometimes gets to the point where a person is irritable and does not feel well because they have not had their daily coffee. It is fine to drink a coffee or another caffeinated beverage, but it should not get to the point where a person has to rely on caffeine to get through the day. Americans should find other ways to obtain the energy they need besides consuming caffeine so that they don’t have to deal with the side effects of not having their daily dose of caffeine.