Sunday, January 10, 2010

America's Caffeine Addiction

Every day there are numerous Americans who start their day off with a cup of coffee. These people drink their coffee before they leave for work or school or on their way there. Some of the daily coffee drinkers stop at a fast food restaurant or gas station to get their coffee. There are some people who don’t drink coffee, but instead drink an energy drink or a soda pop to start off their day. What all these people are after is caffeine.

The on-the-go lifestyle that is commonly seen in the lives of many Americans contributes to the need for caffeine. With countless activities filling their schedules, many Americans do not leave themselves enough time to get a sufficient amount of sleep. It is also easy to feel run down after having a full schedule without a break. As a solution, Americans boost their energy with caffeine throughout the day to keep them going.

The main source of caffeine in the United States is coffee for adults and soft drinks for children. The average daily intake of caffeine for adults is 280 mg. in the United States ( Drinking one to two cups of coffee per day is not very bad for a person, but drinking too much caffeine can cause negative effects.

By drinking large amounts of caffeine on a daily basis, Americans are causing themselves to become more and more dependent on caffeine. Some people drink caffeine continually throughout the day. There are some people who are so reliant on caffeine that when they do not have their daily amount of caffeine they may show withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. Caffeine can also cause mood changes, problems sleeping, and health issues when consumed in excessive amounts (

Americans are becoming addicted to caffeine by drinking so much of it. A little caffeine is alright now and then, but I think Americans should find an alternative way to make sure they have enough energy than loading up on caffeine. I think Americans need to cut down on some of the activities that fill their busy schedules to allow themselves some time to relax, which I believe would help them to stop feeling so run down. Another solution might be for Americans to go to sleep at a reasonable time so that they can get a sufficient amount of sleep rather than watching that movie or T.V. show. Eating healthy and exercising are also good alternatives. On the contrary to what a person would normally think, exercising actually provides a person with more energy.

Countless Americans drink coffee or an energy drink every morning to start off their day. The large amount of caffeine that Americans consume causes them to rely on caffeine for energy. It sometimes gets to the point where a person is irritable and does not feel well because they have not had their daily coffee. It is fine to drink a coffee or another caffeinated beverage, but it should not get to the point where a person has to rely on caffeine to get through the day. Americans should find other ways to obtain the energy they need besides consuming caffeine so that they don’t have to deal with the side effects of not having their daily dose of caffeine.


  1. Coffee and other caffinated drinks can be very delicious though. Simply drinking them though can cause people to crash hours later, which is never good.

  2. I never really thought about how much Americans depend on caffeine. People need to calm down and not make their days so crazy.

  3. I agree with the information in this post, however I must say that I enjoy drinking coffee every day. I do not drink it for its caffeine content though. Americans that depend on caffeine to get them though the day need to cut back and find alternative sources of energy.

  4. This post will make me think about drinking my next cup of coffee in the morning and all its caffine... I am most definitely addicted :/

  5. I'm also a consistent coffee drinker and can tell when the caffeine is effecting me in a negative way. Caffeine cause anxious people to have breakdowns and besides the antioxidants, it isn't worth it.

  6. I agree that people just need to moderate how much caffeine they drink and they won't be so tempted to become addicted by binging on it sometimes, and depriving themselves at other times.

  7. I agree completely.. there are so many people who are addicted to that stuff, and it is just hurting themselves.

  8. Very true that its not good for us. I'm young, I'm not after the caffine but I drink coffee for the taste! love your topic though, could certainly become a bigger issue. sadly :(

  9. I personally hate coffee and tea, energy drinks make me sick, but a pop now and then is never bad but I drink it for the flavor and fizz and not the caffeine. I see the caffeine as a bad side-effect.

  10. This was interesting. Good job. :)

  11. America needs to stop depending on caffeine, I agree. I think daily coffee drinkers are yucky.

  12. I agree that many Americans are overly dependent on caffine. Good post.

  13. I am guilty of this morning pleasure...

  14. I agree that people should stop drinking so much coffee and other beverages that our high in caffeine.

  15. I like this post because I myself have been a long addict of caffiene. I remember when I was drinking 8 to 12 cans of coke, pepsi, mountain dew or anything else I could get my hands on. Oh, and those people who say they drink it for the flavor or the fizz or whatever are blinded by their own stupidity, as was I when I was younger. You may not know it but its the caffiene thats keeping you coming back for more, not the taste. Word of advice to anyone who thinks they are addicted or might get addicted. Make friends with orange juice and other fruit drinks. Trust me, stop drinking the caffinated drinks and switch to non-caffinated before you unknowingly become dependant on the need for caffiene.

  16. if every caffiene addict in the nation could stop using the stuff and have all that extra cash...

  17. Yes caffeine is a huge addiction in America and we should find other ways to obtain energy.

  18. Eat protien. It's healthier and gives your body energy.


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