Sunday, January 10, 2010

In Response to EFF IT!, EFF THAT!

Why do people put so much emphasis on words? I think it’s crazy to yell at someone if they swear. Swear words are like all other words; they are small strings of letters put together and sounded out. I personally do not believe it is a big deal when people swear. I don’t think people should freak out when other people use a “bad word.”

Music, movies and literature all use explicit language and swear words. Would you put down a good book or album or turn off a good movie just because it swears. More than likely you would not. The only time I would turn a movie off for swearing is if the writer was attempting to offend a viewer with the use of foul language. A good example of a popular movie that swears copious amounts would be The Boondock Saints. This film uses the word F*** 246 times in 110 minutes. That averages more than twice a minute. Even though this movie swears that much it still became a huge underground hit after it was released on DVD.

Someone could miss out on fantastic literature or really good music just because it uses curse words. An imaginative piece of literature that uses foul language would be Snowcrash. The excerpt we read in class was really well written. It was incredibly creative and was one of the most memorable things we read in sophomore English. It swears a few times and of course some parent has to stir up a ruckus. If you didn’t know, teenagers swear. They have said whatever word or words parents disagreed with. I don’t think parents should get frazzled over a couple swear words. Again, they are just words. They do not bite. They cannot even physically hurt someone.

I do not think people should invest so much energy in censoring explicit language. Go worry about world hunger and poverty; those are much more important issues! I think language is just a floodgate into censorship as a whole. I do not believe censorship is a positive practice.

But getting back to the censorship of language or just the overall attitude toward swearing… I think people should be able to say whatever they want and not be ridiculed for it. We live in America, where we have freedom of speech. I do not believe anyone should give power to curse words.

What gives a word a negative connotation? Is it the mood you are in when you say it? Is it the emotion you express with these words? Or is it just that you were taught at a young age a certain word was taboo? If you want to scream F***, but you decide to replace it with FUDGE, would that not make Fudge a bad word. It’s the same when stick your middle finger up at some one. It is a finger! It should have no power over anyone. Words should not have an effect on someone.

Swear words are only bad because we as a society have made them “bad.” Swear all you want. It shouldn’t matter to anyone else.

Boondock Saints info-


  1. The whole "time spent on better things" idea is great because it's true. But it has to be done. "I find your language offensive!"

  2. I really don't understand..who decided that swear words were like "swear words?" or "bad words?" Isn't that just an opinion?

  3. Good point! It's society's fault.

  4. Interesting post. Yes, words should not have that much meaning but they do and we have to accept it.

  5. If certain words didn't have stronger meanings then a lot of what we say would be worthless. we have strong feelings that need to be expressed with strong words.

  6. I think that swear words have alot of meanings.

  7. A word only has the meaning that you give it. How you choose to interpret a word is entirely up to you. However, just because you don't believe the word your using has the same intensity that someone else thinks it does doesn't make them wrong. Infact you should respect their view and if they find it offensive you should try not using that word.

  8. Good point with teenagers. we all swear and most of us don't care. censoring movies wont help, most of us got it from peers or parents!

  9. Congrats on stating your opinion!!! LOVE IT! People deffinatly have had a decrease on caring about "bad words". crazy!!!

  10. I agree with this post, we shouldn't care so much about "swear words" and swearing. What's the big deal? They're just words. Good post.

  11. I agree with Rands comment. Why are their even swear words?! The world would be much easier without them, but then again how would we express some emotions without them?

  12. Good post. I agree that people shouldn't waste so much time worrying about "bad words".

  13. I agree. Who decided that certain words were bad?

  14. I agree with you completely that swear words are only bad because society made them that way.

  15. I agree with Lee's comment. These so called "swear words" are only looked down upon because we make them out to be bad. If we didn't place so much emphasis on these words as being bad, we wouldn't have a problem with them.

  16. Good post. Words should not be given so much power.

  17. I agree with Grisham. We should all just do something better with our time than getting all huffy over a few words.

  18. Words are just characters put together to make a sound, what is so bad about that? Who is in charge of what is good and bad?


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