Sunday, January 10, 2010


Do you remember a time when professional athletes became famous for their superb athletic skills and dedication? Do you remember a time when singers were known for their musical talent? Do you remember a time when movie stars were remembered for their stage presence and acting abillity? Do you remember a time when celebrities were looked up to for their good example and role model behavior? Believe it or not, there once was a time when celebrities were known for the good that they did.

In today's day and age that is no longer the case. Athletes taint the name of their sport through drug use and scandals. Sub-par singers become international sensations with the use of synthesizers and technology that has the power to make anyone sound good. Actors are better known for their drug use and personal lives than their latest movies. Ordinary people become celebrities for the outrageous and senseless things they do.

Nowdays people will do just about anything to get their "five minutes of fame." Take for example Richard and Mayumi Heene. They created a publicity stunt in which their six year old son, Falcon, was said to have floated away in a home-made balloon. The hoax attracted world-wide attention, and numerous authorities ranging from the local police to the National Guard spent hours and thousands of dollars searching for the boy. As it turns out, the boy was hiding inside of his house the entire time. Richard and Mayumi Heene not only obtained their "five minutes of fame", but also two jail sentences to go along with it.(

Ordinary people aren't the only ones making fools of themselves and setting poor examples for society. Our so-called "celebrities" constantly shock us with their terrible decisions and mishaps. Kids look up to pro athletes such as Tiger Woods, Barry Bonds, and Michael Phelps. When these celebrities mess up by being unfaithful to their spouse, taking steroids, or doing drugs, they are setting a poor example for children and being poor role models. The fact of the matter is that these people are famous and are constantly in the spotlight. Fame comes along with responsibility. If people are willing to take on the glitz and glamour of being famous, they must also take on the duty of being a positive role model.

Reality TV shows are the largest producer of celebrities that set poor examples and are constantly in the spotlight for their mishaps. Shows such as "John and Kate Plus 8," "The Hills," and "Laguna Beach" are overrated. The "celebrities" on these shows are ordinary people. They do nothing exceptional besides causing unnecessary drama and allowing TV cameras to follow their every move. Why do we allow them to become famous? People need to stop idolizing over these "reality TV stars" and worry about their own lives.

America as a whole has put far too great of an emphasis on celebrities and being famous. If we didn't worship celebrities the way we do, they wouldn't be inclined to draw more attention to themselves and do stupid things. We should look up to celebrites for the good things they do: for their athletic abilities, their musical and theatrical talent, and their good works. Celebrities should also make a conscious effort to set good examples and be more careful of the things they do. If they are not willing to accept that responsibility, they should get out of the spot light. Only a small number of people get to be famous. Those that achieve the status of being a "celebrity" should use their fame and influence to their advantage. They should be positive role models for children and use their money and influece to help others.

"It's hard to stay anonymous in the spotlight. If you don't want strangers to recognize you in public, don't perform on stage or in front of a camera in the first place. Either stay in the shadows or stop complaining for the fame you asked for." - Duane Alan Hahn


  1. I think we shouldn't hold celebrities to such a huge standard because they're everyday people just like us. They just have a lot more money and get tons of pictures taken.

  2. Well said. I wonder a lot why some people are even famous. I like the ending quote!

  3. I disagree with this post. Not all celebrities are bad. You failed to mention all of the good celebrities out there who donate money and actually come up with good pieces of literature. Also, some celebrities did not choose to be famous, their parents did so it is not their fault. Celebrities are people too who make mistakes.

  4. I agree with Rowling, your last quote was great.

  5. That quote is very true. I think entertainers get paid way too much!

  6. I think we need to stop putting celebrities on a pedestal.

  7. I think most so celebrities are overpaid and it really makes me made. I think someone who works an eight hour job should earn more money than some of these stupid celebs and people who are famous for being famous.(stupid paris hilton)

  8. You know whos often to blame? Managers who want a bigger paycheck and will use anyone to get it.

  9. Good post. I liked the last quote!

  10. I am curious who decides who is "famous"? and why do we idolize them if we know they are poor role models?

  11. Interesting post. I agree that we do put way to much focus on celebrities, but not all of them are negative role models.

  12. We look up to famous people way to high. You need to be yourself.

  13. great post! so true, i obviously agree! I think the Paparazzi and crazy people are involved with celebs and the madness that goes along with it.

  14. I agree with Cherryh. I think celebrities who are just normal people, but every action they make is blown way out of proportion.

  15. There is so much truth to this post. We should all just give less attention to those celeberties who don't deserve it and instead do something constructive. That's just my opinion though.

  16. Without celebs, we would not be who America is today. Movies, music, books, clothes... what would they be? Celebrities deserve a lot more credit then given credit for.


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