Music has become a big part of life since its creation. It has been used in many ways but none more common than to express our emotion and mood. If your feeling sad you usually play something with a slower tempo with depressing lyrics. If your feeling happy you most likely play something mid-tempo with lyrics that are very optomistic. Whatever your feeling at that moment usually determines what kind of music you would insist on listening to. If this is true than is it possible that the opposite is also true? For example, if your listening to R&B do you start to feel sad and depressed? To this question I respond by first saying that I think its highly possible that music can control what mood we feel. However, I don't believe that it has the power to completely influence our mood. Second, I want anyone reading this to think of a time when they were mad, sad, happy or whatever. If you were mad were you listening to country? Most likely you weren't because you were in a mood to listen to something with a stronger tone to it like heavy metal, hardcore rap, or rock. Whatever mood you were feeling your music choice most likely reflected the mood you were feeling. Does this then mean that we can blame music artist for the feelings that we get from listening to their music? The answer is quite simply no, because even though the music may influence our mood it doesn't necessarily decide what mood we're going to be in. However, in some places music has been banned because some people believe that it's a mood-altering substance. You might be asking yourself as to why someone would be stupid enough to do something as lame as this. The answer itself is more obvious than you would think. It is simply because people don't want anything to do with something that they see as a threat to their way of life or something that might be offensive to someone. The same thing happens everytime some new type of music comes up. It happend way back when rap and rock came into the business and it's happening now with a new type of rap music known as grime. Grime is a fast paced type of music that requires you to rap at extremely fast speeds. It's still relatively underground but has gained enough of a fan base for someone to hear it and find something offensive about it. So far complaints have come in about how it caused teenagers to experience aggresive mood swings and so called "episodes". Is it true that this music has enough power to truly influence someone so much that they experience mood swings and "episodes"? I would say that its very unlikely, but I suppose it might have some influences. However, any influences, if any at all, would be so small that I seriously doubt that it would really have any affect on anyones mood. So is it true that music can control our mood? I say no, but there is always a possibility. I would say that music is a strong contributing factor in putting us in a situation to feel a certain mood, but no more than that.
I agree with your blog, and I think that your mood effects what music you listen to not vice versa.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Shahid Ali, so true...
ReplyDeletethis blog made me have flashbacks of kevin bacon from Footloose.
ReplyDeleteI know there have even been studies that listening to sad music depresses you even more. Just try it..listen to something that makes you smile or get pumped and you'll start to feel better.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Shahid Ali. I liked your post a lot.
ReplyDeleteGood post and I also agree with Shahid Ali.
ReplyDeleteI think music does what its meant to do; it helps us express and understand our emotions even we arent fully able to do so ourselves. it can be a negative influence as well though.
ReplyDeleteI think mood and music can effect eachother equally. I don't think one has a greater influence over the other.
ReplyDeleteI liked this post. Music does have an effect on our mood. I'm trying to figure out where on earth Music is banned....
ReplyDeleteI defininitly agree with this post, I'll need to remember to listen to upbeat music next time i'm upset, haha
ReplyDeleteI agree with this post all the way. Nice job.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this post! Music really does affect a person's mood.
ReplyDeleteNo one who said they agreed with this blog actually read it did they. The post was about how music probably can't affect our mood, yet most people on here both agreed and went on a tangent about how music affected their moods.
ReplyDeleteGood post. I think it is very true. The music i listen to definitly changes my mood
ReplyDeletehaha longfellow thank you! I think it can change our mood. Therefor I disagree with this post! Music has that sort of power on people!
ReplyDeleteI believe it changes your mood all the time! Before a basketball game, or sporting event, what music do you listen to? Music that pumps you up! Not soft calm music.
ReplyDeleteGood post. Music and mood go hand in hand with eachother.
ReplyDeleteMusic DOES change your mood!
ReplyDeletei have no idea who Oates is but when i find out i'm going to slap you with a chicken dipped in chocolate so hard!
ReplyDeleteI usually like the same music about all the time. If I don't feel like listening to that type of music then I just sit in my own thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Mood totally affects the music. When im sad I gotta turn on some Bob Marley.