Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jon and Kate plus Trouble...

Jon and Kate Gosselin were married in 1999 and wanted to have children, but when Kate could not conceive they used In Vitro fertilization. They now have two sets of multiples twins Mady and Cara, sextuplets Collin, Leah, Joel, Hannah, Aaden, and Alexis. The family of ten have a popular show on TLC know as "Jon and Kate plus 8" The show is about the difficulties of raising two sets of multiples. The show follows the family through the trips they take and daily life at home. The twins are eight and the sextuplets are five years old.
Jon and Kate at a birthday party for the sextuplets
(TLC website)
Recently Jon and Kate have run into issues in their lives. Gossip magazines have their private life know completely to the public. The issues began in the March or so of 2009 Jon was supposedly caught cheating on Kate with a school teacher. Though the rumors true or not was is right for the magazines to publish what ruined Jon and Kate's marriage. On June 22, 2009 Jon and Kate announced on their show that they would be separating.

Their issues have yet to stop, their show was stopped until August 3rd when their 10 million viewers dropped to only 4.2 million to watch the return to find out what was going on. They no longer did their interview for the show together and Jon was barely in the episode. Kate and Jon both said that they want to do what is best for the kids. How is divorce the best for their eight children? They believed that staying together would put stress on their relationships with the kids. In early October TLC announced that the show has been officially changed to "Kate plus 8", Jon will only make guest appearances.

More problems continue to rise for the two. In October Jon removed a large sum of money from their joint bank account only leaving Kate with a reported one thousand dollars to support the now family of nine. When their court date came it had to be changed because the judge had lost his wife. One week later and several gossip websites and channels reported that Jon was order to pay back a certain amount that he removed.

I did this to prove that the media goes to in depth about things that we don't really need to know about. I wrote this blog without having to look at any sites, I would just watch their show or see it on several magazine covers. It's not right how magazines and television take personal problems and make them known. You could say it's their fault for having a tv show in the first place, but the viewers determine if the show stays or not.

We read gossip magazine, see it on the Internet, and watch it on tv. Why do we need to know if Jon cheated on Kate or if a celebrity does something outrageous? Do we really care? It is just to entertain us, we don't have to give celebrities attention. In the end that's all they really want...attention and we give them that.


  1. as seen in my blog, i def agree with u. lets hear some positive. im sick of the negative.

  2. I agree. I actually did watch this show some of the time and it just shows how fame and fortune can affect you and the ones you love.

  3. Seems like any show that is about a family's life the family always suffers.

  4. Whenever I hear about this family it stresses me out just thinking about all their problems!

  5. This is sad=( I LOVED watching their show!

  6. they probably should've thought about what might happen down the road.

  7. This blog holds a lot of truth, poor Gosselins... those kids are going to have so many issues from the publicity and all the lies of the media.

  8. I feel bad for the kids to have to have to go through all of this. It was a cute show, but the family got messed up from the fame and the media in my opinion.

  9. This is a perfect example of what fame and the media can do to a once happy family. My main concern is the well-being of those kids....

  10. I agree with Browning when they said that fame can destroy a family.

  11. i agree with Hejinian, who knows where the kids will end up.

  12. I feel so bad for those kids. It must be hard going through all that under the eye of the media..

  13. I can't imagine what that would be like, video cameras following every step of your childhood. So many of your memories are going to be tarnished by media intervention.

  14. While I do agree with this post, divorce is not necessarily a bad thing. For all we know, it could let the children be happier.

  15. Fascinating! Once again, the idea of American Fame pops up as a sort of unique cultural artifact; something that our culture is deeply involved with. We watch famous people day and night. Gardner shows that this is sometimes a destructive tendency, and at best a form of entertainment that uses people's actual lives to make those of us sitting in our living rooms at home feel slightly more interested in what the television has to offer.

    Here is normally where I would make my plug about how I watch almost no television as a sort of protest against this kind of programming, but let's not kid ourselves - America is addicted to celebrity, and the corporations know this.

    Why give us real entertainment or real news when it's so much easier to shove the details of the lives of the rich and famous down our throats? It's not going to stop for me, or for the lives of the unfortunates that get destroyed by it, like Jon and Kate. There's far too much money to be made.


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