Saturday, October 17, 2009

Drugs and Alcohol - Are they worth the risk?

A sixteen year old girl is pressured to have a beer at a party. Three seventeen year old boys share a joint late at night. A little boy and his mother are killed by a drunk driver. The star quarterback is kicked off the team for posession of marijuana. These are all examples of teen drug and alcohol abuse in America today. Teens claim that using drugs and alcohol provide them with enjoyment and relaxation, but is it really worth the risk?

In recent years, the pressure on teens to use drugs and alcohol has greatly intensified. Teens are often found getting completely wasted at parties and sneaking drugs past their parents and authorities. So just what is it about drugs and alcohol that is so appealing to our generation? Perhaps it is the feeling achieved when one is high or drunk. Perhaps it is the fact that using these substances results in impaired judgement, causing the user to act in a ridiculous manner and partake in activities not normally done while sober. Or perhaps it is simply the fact that using drugs and alcohol is illegal. Teens constantly feel the need to push limits and go against what is right, so they are attracted to drug and alcohol use simply for the fact that it is wrong.

Drug and alcohol use may seem harmless at first, however it slowly turns into an addiction and becomes nearly impossible to stop. On top of their addictive nature, drugs and alcohol have an extremely negative effect on teens and can result in severe punishment. Teens who use drugs and alcohol generally have the idea that they will not get caught or punished, however that is not usually the case. Punishment for drug and alcohol use ranges from community service to being kicked off of sports teams to jail time. In worst case scenarios it can even result in death.

Our generation is beginning to experiment with drugs and alcohol at even earlier ages. This has led to greater peer pressure to begin using drugs and alcohol. The fact of the matter is that drugs and alcohol are dangerous and should not be used by teenagers. Sure, you can drink alcohol with moderation when you are twenty-one, but there is no reason to drink it before then. Teens claim they "cannot have fun without alcohol or drugs." I will be the first to tell you that that statement is incorrect. There are plenty of better things to do with your time.

Each and every teenager has an extremely bright future ahead of them and the potential to do great things, but too many of them throw that opportunity away on drugs and alcohol. Please do not do that to yourself. I have a challenge for all of you. Make a commitment to abstain from using drugs and alcohol. Have the power to say "No" when someone tells you to have a drink at a party or smoke weed with them. Above all, do not pressure others to use drugs and alcohol. I assure you, you are not alone in this. There is a great number of teens that do not drink or do drugs that would be glad to help you in your choice. Make the decison today to create a brighter future for tomorrow.


  1. I like this post. I wish more teens would realize drugs and alcohol are not worth the risks.

  2. A nearly grammatically and lexicographically flawless post marred by only one detail - that the question posed in the title has an obvious answer.

    Now I should make myself clear: that Browning even brought this issue up is commendable, because by placing the issue of adolescent drug use in the context of a blog on American Culture, the author practically begs us to consider why it is that our culture makes such a big deal out of teen drug abuse.

    It is because our culture is created not only by individuals such as you and I, but also by businesses and organizations such as pharmaceutical companies and narcotics trafficking organizations. They promote the cool image of drug use in order to make us their slaves, willing to use our hard-earned money to buy what we don't need but will come to crave, which only they can provide.

    I encourage Browning and the rest of you to tackle this problem again, but not to satisfy yourselves with the easy questions. Ask deeper. Look further.

  3. I like this post a lot and agree that you don't need alcohol to have fun.

  4. I like this post. Drugs and alcohol can mess up your future, and that is something I think more teens need to pay attention to.

  5. i strongly agree with the point being made by Browning, Drugs and alcohol may seem the cool thing to do in the short term, but what happens if you get caught or kill someone? It really isnt worth all that, and if you need drugs or alcohol to have fun as some people claim, im sorry, but you have a VERY dull life full of worthless friends.

  6. I like this post, because the easy access to drugs and alchohol today is a problem in society.

  7. In a lot of high schools around the country, drugs and alchohol are looked at as the "cool" thing. Why is this? Why is something that both damages mind and body looked at as the "in" thing to do? If we all just took a step back, looked at the big picture, and thought for ourselves for once, I think we could see how much drugs and alchohol tears families, friends, and communities apart. I think the answer is pretty clear on what the right choice is concerning this matter.

  8. I agree that you do not need drugs and alcohol to have "fun" and there are plenty of people that will help if you want it.

  9. I agree, some teens don't see the risks of using drugs and alcohol. Also, you DON'T need drugs and alcohol to have fun. There are plenty of other things to do than to drink or do drugs and maybe mess up your future. BE SMART! :D

  10. Great post. Some statistics would really help drive the point home.

  11. I like this post. Alcohol is a huge problem in today's society and they should really find more fun things to do than this.

  12. I agree with this and the comments. These things can change a persons life in an instant. Be smart, have fun, enjoy your life.

  13. This topic really comes down to the individual. You can't change a whole society but hopefully people start to realize what they are doing, even if it's just one person at a time. Good post.

  14. i would just like to say that all of this can be brought back to the main root of the problem, and that problem is gangs in america.

  15. This is a tough post for me to read.. My biological parents started drinking at an early age. Their crave for that buzz led them to drugs and eventually they became drug addicts and severe alcoholics. I really hope that this article will help people to realize the irresponsible actions that are caused by drugs and alcohol.

  16. I liked this post, very well written, Why would anyone need drugs or alcohol to have fun?


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