Friday, October 23, 2009
Marilyn Monroe.. Most Famous Woman?
Marilyn Monroe's childhood was not an easy one. She was born to a mentally unsteady mother, not knowing who her father was. Later on, her mother was committed to an insane asylum and Marilyn was thrown into the foster kid life. Bouncing around from foster parents to foster parents, she married a neighbor young man when her last pair of foster parents were going to move away.
Shortly after Marilyn's husband, who she called Daddy, went away to serve in the military, she started working odd jobs. Once, a photographer came and took pictures of working women, he said she was a "photographer's dream". After, he sent other photographers her way and helped her find jobs to model. She divorced Daddy after five years of marriage to pursue bigger modeling dreams and within a year was on the cover of some major magazines. After being successful in modeling, she wanted to move on to something bigger and better, acting!
In the beginning of her acting career she married baseball player, Joe Dimaggio. They were together nine months and divorced because of his jealousy of her sexy reputation. Her third marriage was to playwright Authur Miller. For their marriage, Marilyn converted to Judaism. They only lasted four years and were said to have divorced for many reasons. Some being that she was cheating, doing drugs, drinking too much, and also that she had depression from several miscarriages she had, and the death of her costar, Clark Gable.
Marilyn Monroe was either the most important or one of the most important women of the 20th century. Even today she is known by almost everyone. Saying hear name immediately makes people think "talented" and "beautiful". I believe that people like Marilyn Monroe represent American in a way. Some may think that is a bad example, but I like to look at the good things she contributed to this country. Marilyn Monroe, I think, was the most important woman of the 20th century and will live on forever in her movies and by her reputation.
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why is it that we feel the necessity to use such an inappropriate vocabulary day in and day out? Every day we hear curse words being used. It’s not anything new. Could the reason behind our modern day vocabulary be due to the fact that kids today have an enormous lack of self-expression? If you think about it, it is much easier for most teenagers to use an expletive rather than explain the purpose behind their own frustrations.
What most teenagers do not realize is that through the over use of profanity they reveal a negative connotation of their own personal characteristics and morals. Carelessness in their language shows a lackadaisical attitude towards their life in general. Not only does it prove them irresponsible, it suggests that they have neglect towards their own intelligence. It shows that the individual who chooses to use this language is irresponsible because they could not care less about what comes out of their mouth. No intelligent person would walk into a job interview and drop the F-bomb throughout the course of that interview. It would leave a bad impression on the person that is performing the interview. Why then, is it okay for the teacher to dismiss the student’s behavior without taking any appropriate disciplinary action? In doing so, the teacher is simply promoting the student to continue their terrible habit of using such language.
In the society that which we live in, we hear such crude and vulgar language everywhere we go, and in everything we do. It is an example of the negative and rash culture of our up and coming generation. If we as people are not fixing the problem when it arises, than we are just making it known that we approve of such vocabulary coming from the young people of our society. And if in fact we are telling them that it is alright, than they will continue to use this crass and pointless vernacular for many more years to come.
Colors That Kill
In 1899 a boy was born by the name of Alphonse Capone and later would become one of the most famous mobsters of all time. It was because of guys like him, Johnny Torrio and Lucky Luciano that another famous gang would sky rocket its way to the top of gangs in America. Founded by Paolo Antonini Vaccarelli, The Five Points Gang, was like the minor leagues of the mob. With the help of second in command Johnny Torrio it became the most significant gang to form in the United States ever. A few years later Al Capone would be called to help manage Chicagoland mob territories. This would move Capone to Chicago where he would go down in history as the most violent and prolific gangster in Chicago, if not the most in the country.
In the early 90’s gangs started to take off with the arrival of new immigrants. Most gangs were formed in the poverty stricken areas of the country also known as the ghetto. The majority of the gangs and gang members consisted of Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans. This is the time in which gangs flourished and started popping up everywhere across the country. New gangs were forming daily and each with its own desire for power. Such famous gangs that were created during this time include: Vice Lords, Savage Skulls, La Familia, Savage Nomads, Rampers, Black Gangsters, Devil’s Disciples, Black P Stone Rangers, Gangster Disciples, Black Gangster Disciples and La Eme. By the late 1980’s and early 1990’s the drug networks were in full motion and drug importation from Southeast Asia and Colombia were at its peak. This is when street gangs developed into drug gangs with more businesslike operations and violence becoming a standard operating procedure for the gangs. With the rise of drugs and violence came the rise of super gangs( large , multi cultural street gangs) such as: Latin Kings, Bloods, Crips and now the biggest gang in America MS-13. Nowadays gangs are anywhere and everywhere. No matter where you go you will find gangs which means you will also find drugs, violence and murder. You can even look towards the media to find gangs glorified. Such famous gangsters include 2pac, Notorious B.I.G., Snoop Dogg, Lil Wayne, Birdman and so on. Each uses their music to express themselves and their lives back when they were more profound in the gang life. You can even see how it affects the youth of the nation. More and more kids are trying to act, talk, and dress more “gangsta”. You can see from such things like these how big of an impact gangs have influenced our culture even if we didn’t know it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tupac Amaru Shakur, dead or alive?
Tupac Amaru Shakur, or just commonly known as Tupac, is arguably one of the most influential hip-hop artists to ever hit America. Tupac has created true American Literature without even realizing it. He didn’t ever think he would be one of the greatest artists to ever walk the earth. Without Tupac ever performing, there would not be most of the music you see today and then one night, on September 7, 1996, Tupac was shot in a drive by outside of a theater four times. The theater Tupac was at was a public theater that people watched fights at. It was a very public place, and whenever Tupac went out, he ALWAYS wore a bulletproof vest. No matter what the circumstance he always did. So why did he take it off for this night where he knew he was going to be around a lot of people? Six days later after being on life support, Tupac was officially claimed “dead”. (
Did Tupac really die? I do not believe so. How is it that when someone dies, they can still make records? His first album after his supposed death was that very November of 2006. Yes the album could have been the one he was working on before his death, but why would his first couple of songs be related to a philosopher by the name of Niccol Machiavelli, who believed faking a death was the perfect way to contain enemies. In that album was a song by the name of “I ain’t mad at cha,” which in the video of that song is in heaven as an Angel. Isn’t that a little bit suspicious? Even more suspicious about that video is that in it, Tupac was shot coming out of a theater, very similar to how he died. Then just one year later, that very next November, Tupac’s album “R U Still Down” was released. The album was not the only thing that was released that November. How can it be that someone who is dead could be in three music videos 14 months after their death? Yes Tupac was an extremely skilled artist, and maybe he made these videos before his death and took until then to be released. Maybe the first two albums after his death were just in memory of him, but what about the third album after his death? Just another year after the second album in November of 1998, Tupac’s album “2pac’s Greatest” was released with SIX new tracks on it. Why were those six tracks not on the other twp albums that were released after his death? Also, how is it that in an album over two years after his death, Tupac has tracks talking about the movie Armageddon? And in another track Tupac congratulated the Denver Broncos on winning the Super Bowl? Both of those things occurred quite a bit of time after Tupac’s “death.” Also in a lot of Tupac’s songs, he talks about being buried. If he wanted to be buried so badly, why was he cremated ONE day after dying? And who is cremated just a single day after a murder case? I don’t know about you, but I think it is all pretty suspicious to me. Tupac: one of the greatest artists the world has known, the creator of hip-hop, a hero to many has not died. Not yet.
Drug Culture

When mentioned to most Americans, the phrase “drug culture” will bring thoughts of smugglers, violent cartels, street corner drug dealers, and back alley crack houses. But there is a new drug culture exploding before our eyes. It is an even greater legal drug dependency that grips much of
Medications have come a long way in past years. Today medications have provided many health benefits and have played a major role in extending our life spans. Modern medicine has become what it is today mainly because of our technological advances that help us better understand disease and sickness. Many Americans count on these advanced medications to rescue them from a lifestyle of illness. But in this generation there is a rise in drug abuse, and I’m not talking about heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, hallucinogens, alcohol, marijuana, or even tobacco. I am talking about the abuse of prescription drugs. Prescription Drug Abuse, has been with us since doctors began prescribing drugs, but has become more common since the service of the “refill prescription”. Recent studies show that nearly 1.3 million Americans are abusing prescription drugs. Prescription drug abuse is usually overlooked by doctors.
There are many different types of prescription drugs in which people can become addicted to. There are three general categories of medicine in which are most usually abused in
Main symptoms of pill addiction are an increased tolerance to the drug, so that the user needs a much larger amount to get the same effects they were used to before abusing the medication. More and more of the drug is required. This leads to many other problems. Long term effects include respiratory problems, seizures, irregular heartbeat, depression, or even death following a large dose. Other causes of these effects can come from being unknowledgeable about the medication or addiction. Addicts who mix medications, drink with their medication, or do both usually will be followed by serious internal damage, brain damage, or death. Last year, prescription drugs replaced heroin and cocaine as the leading cause of fatal overdoses.
When these medications are not taken responsibly by the person they were intended to help they are being abused within our society. A prescription written on a piece of paper by a doctor does not mean its safe. When prescribed responsibly, taken as directed, and kept out of reach of children, painkillers, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, etc., can benefit the person in need. People in
Sadly our society is an unhealthy and over medicated one that is becoming dependent on our drugs and are always searching for the next “quick fix.”
LINKS: just add www. in front :)
Rap Music: How does it influence today’s youth?

Jon and Kate plus Trouble...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thai and American Culture
Almost every country in the world have their own culture and traditional. Some are similar some are difference and some are the same. But we are all human being that need the same basic physical needs. We are all can feel happy ,sad, angry, hungry etc. Its interesting on how people live with different beliefs, attitude and behavior. For some people that don’t know what is Thai. Thailand or what we called “Thai” is the country located in the center of the southeast asia.
When talking about culture the biggest heading would be religion which play an important role in our lives. An old Thai culture almost all of it came from the beliefs of Buddhism which is the main religion and including 95% of population in the country,while the United States which the main religion is Christian and make up 78.5% population of the country. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God, God himself and the savior of humanity.The goal of Christianity is eternal life with God in Heaven, a perfect existence in which God's glory and bliss are shared. Buddhism is a path of salvation attained through insight into the ultimate nature of reality and based on the teaching of Buddha. The goal is to escape a cycle of suffering and rebirth by end suffering,achieve nirvana. There is a lot of difference in these two religion but the common thing is both are teaching and leading human to do good things. There is some different in religious that might surprised the American people which is,Buddhism due to religious discipline, Thai monks are forbidden physical contact with women. Women are therefore expected to make way for passing monks to ensure that accidental contact does not occur.
There is some old beliefs that still important to Thai culture today. The younger person shouldn’t touch or play with an elder person’s head its shown that you are being unrespectful and rude. This is because the Thai people consider the foot to be the dirtiest and fattest part of the body. Also the language that younger person uses to say to an elder person. It has to be a polite word too.
When comes to the language, American people speaks English which is the official language in United States and the main language in the world while Spanish is also the primary language spoken at home by over 34 million people. Thai people speaks their own language called “Thai” from the name of the country.
Popular culture including music, movies and sport is also the largest culture in every country. American culture has a popular styles of music which is including Jazz, Pop, Rock, R&B, Hip Hop and etc. Also the famous artist and the biggest music industry in the world. American Film is usually referred to in a generalizing manner as Hollywood. The center of the best film and movie stars from all around the world. American has the world best league of sports too including NFL, NBA, NHL, PGA tour, Grand Slam and etc. While mostly Thai popular culture are influenced by the western culture. There is only a few old unique culture such as Thai country music, Thai instruments( Thai flute, Thai Xylophone etc) and some Thai sport called Sepak takraw which resembling volleyball, except that it uses a rattan ball and only allows players to use their feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball.
As you can see the different and the similarity of the two culture. There is no right and wrong but its just different.
What the Media and its Wisdom Have Done for Romance
The media would like to have us believe that we can find that one person who is meant for us just by, well, blundering into them. And once we meet them, hardships will only occur in the beginning of a relationship, if they do at all. From that point on it will be smooth sailing into eternal bliss, a perfect ending, with little or no sacrifice or effort required. For the record, I am not opposed to the notion of each relationship destined individual having one person they are meant to meet, (on the contrary, I find that my faith fully supports it). But I refuse to believe that one can find and truly love this person so easily. As we often hear in a Catholic school, this country's divorce rate is 51%. This means that over half the people in this nation who think they have found the right person and marry them later decide they were wrong. Obviously, the romantic ideas we have been spoon-fed for decades have no applicable value.
I don't think all these people chose the wrong person, though I'm sure many did. A good number, perhaps a majority, of them probably found the right person and blew their chance. Hollywood's doctrine notwithstanding, relationships take huge effort and dedication. You don't just find someone and suddenly have it made. It takes selflessness, sacrifice, a priority of the other person's good above your own, no matter the cost. Anyone who starts dating and only aims to satisfy their own desires is not creating anything that will last. Also, you have to constantly make an effort to learn more about the other person, both to better serve them and to know for sure if the relationship can work. Obviously, as a junior in highschool, I don't have much experience in this area, but I think I have enough to tell that the media is once again preaching a false, misleading idea that sets millions of people up for failure and disappointment.
However, many have seen through this lie and gone too far in the opposite direction, turning away from serious relationships in favor of “casual dating.” They don't put any serious value on what they are doing, and simply date people for shallow reasons that can't and usually aren't expected to lead to anything permanent. This mindset also contributes to the devaluation of sex that Thompson described. Individuals just live in the present, striving to fulfill current desires and ignoring numerous long term consequences. These short, fleeting relations only hurt in the end, and one is left with an empty feeling that they believe can only be cured by another such endeavor, creating a vicious circle of emotional dissatisfaction and pain.
The media and current cultural mindsets have produced countless inaccuracies regarding romance and love, twisting something pure, positive and essential into a collection of trends and failed solutions. This collective mindset has done nothing but grievously hurt America, driving divorce rates skyward and making way for the derailing of multiple generations' chances at true success in this area. And not only that, but we are exporting this disease to the rest of the world, as we do with all our ideas. America as a whole needs to get over its chick flick addiction and need for the instant gratification of romantic desires if we are ever going to fix this devastating pandemic.
Media: Good or Bad?
It is not just bad things that we as people appeal to though. We enjoy reading about great accomplishments like winning the super bowl or how extreme makeover is coming to help a family overcome tough times. So we are excited to see exciting things like this. I am not going to lie I enjoy reading about things like this to that add something that we do not normally hear or read about to our sometimes boring days. We like an extra zing to our day and these things definitely add them.
One problem that the media may also cause is the idea that some of the models and such are the perfect people and everyone should look like them. This shows some not so good things about the so awesome and fun to read media. It is pretty much telling young teenagers that they should be super skinny and they should change there entire appearance. So if they want to fit in this would be a good way to fit in. This would mostly be pointed towards girls due to the fact that girls are more worried about their appearance and what others think about them. I am not saying that guys are not the same because some are that way, but it is mostly pointed towards girls.
Another positive to the media is again it has a pretty good influence. So for all those commercials and ads that tell us the truth about smoking and drinking and don't hide anything from us tell us really about the negative things in the world. Also with reading about someone dying or being severely hurt in a car accident due to maybe drunk driving, as someone has already posted earlier, it would help us make better decisions with maybe to choose to drink or not. Maybe it would be something so simple as denying a cigarette from a friend and avoiding peer pressure. So again the media is not an entirely bad thing. It gives us the truth and sometimes what we should be doing in life.
As you can see there are many positive and negative views that you could have about the media. If you choose to read or watch these shows or paper it is fine as long as you know what is right and wrong. Your choices can affect your life in a very big way if your not smart. Do not let the media persuade the way you live.
Michael Jackson: The King of Pop

In 1971 Michael Jackson started his solo career at the age of 13. On August 5, 1979 Michael Jackson became the first artist to have four number one singles off one album. His popularity was quickly rising. Michael's album "Thriller" was released on November 30, 1982. It spent thirty-seven weeks at the number one spot on the Billboard Top 200 chart and became the highest selling album of all time, making history. On February 28, 1984 Michael received eight awards at the Grammys and broke many records. Michael's most influential video of all time, "Thriller," was nominated for Record of the Year and Album of the Year. Because of Michael's great success with "Thriller" and "Off the Wall", he became the biggest star of all time.
Michael Jackson had a huge international and cultural impact. He was the first black person on MTV to have a disco video "Billie Jean". This video saved MTV from losing some of its clients. At the time, MTV played music videos made by black people, or videos that had black performers in them, but they had to fit the “conventional rock” criteria. Prince and Tina Turner’s music fit this criterion.
Music is a huge part of the American culture. Michael Jackson broke many records. He changed the American culture greatly with his music, dances, and drive for perfection. Michael Jackson changed music. He helped people see that everyone is equal no matter what race you are. He showed that everyone has a certain type of talent. He showed his love and dedication to music like no other person did. Every time Michael was on stage, he would have a smile on his face because he loved what he was doing. He loved entertaining people and making them happy. He showed people that it was okay to be different. Michael affected the lives of many people. He inspired many of the artists we have today. Without the "King of Pop" we might not have some of our performers that are here today. Michael Jackson also gave to many charities, even though they weren’t publicized much. He didn’t give to charities because it might “make him more popular,” he gave to charities because it was something he wanted to do.
Growing up under the spotlight can lead to a rough life under the public eye. The media likes to make “hearsay” seem like the truth and some people will believe everything they read. Look at the accusations against Michael Jackson for child molestation, for example. People were all over that story. The media made it seem like it were true, but no one will really know the true story, except Michael. You have to admit, it would be pretty hard to deal with waking up every morning and seeing your name in the paper with something that may or may not be true.
After being under the public eye for a long time, Michael Jackson seemed to be “losing it.” He was being accused for many things, battling drugs, running out of money, and his career was fading. He overcame most of the accusations but drugs seemed to be a big problem in his life. Michael was addicted to prescription pain killers. On June 25th 2009, the legendary “King of Pop” died. He went into a cardiac arrest at the age of 50 in Los Angeles, California.
The death of “The King of Pop” put the entire world in shock. The man who had the first black disco video aired on MTV was gone. The man who changed music and dance forever was gone. Despite everything negative that happened in Michael’s life, which might have made people not like him, the world still mourned over him. Michael Jackson was well respected him for the music he made. No one has ever changed the status of pop in the world and no one has ever accomplished what Michael Jackson has accomplished in his life. He made people recognize that the biggest star could be a young black man and he broke many color barriers. Michael Jackson changed music. He changed the American culture.
Special Commemorative Issue Rolling Stones: Michael Jackson
XXL Presents: Michael Jackson - Special Collector's Issue
Drinking and Drving
It was a Friday night in November when a young girl was invited to a bon fire at her friend’s house. She could not wait to get there and have a good time with her friends. When she arrived the party was already started. It was not the type of party she was expecting. There was beer everywhere. She was not a girl to drink. She found it gross and very dangerous.
Unfortunately, her best friend came up to her and handed her a beer and said “Let’s go, you can loosen up and have a good time tonight”. The young girl did not want to seem “un-cool” so she took the beer and started to sip it. She didn’t like the taste but after the first few gulps she started to not care about the taste anymore and became less nervous about the situation.
The young girl left the party thinking she was only “buzzed” and thought she could drive home perfectly fine. All her friends that she trusted to take her home were passed out or had already left and she needed to be home before her parents noticed she still wasn’t home at 2:00 A.M. So she got into her car thinking she wouldn’t have trouble getting home since it was only 10 minutes away. Though, when she woke up she was not safely sleeping in her bed but in the hospital. She had no idea how she got there, her mother was standing next to her crying while her father was hugging her telling her everything will be okay.
Drinking and driving does not just hurt the person that caused the problem. Sometimes the drunk driver runs off the road and hits something and hurts themselves and everyone that loves them but they do not realize that at the time. Other times the drunk driver hurts not only themselves and their loved ones; but also the love ones of the other drivers and passengers that maybe involved.
Drunk driving is a very big problem in America and has been for a long time. From 1982 to 2005 the percentage of deaths from drunk driving has dropped very much but is not completely fixed. In 1982 the percentage of deaths was 60%, though it has decreased in 2005 to 39%. The percentages for 2005 compared to 1982 is a great improvement, hopefully the numbers will keep lowering dramatically in the next couple years and continue to stay on a downward turn.
Drunk driving does not only hurt the people in the car(s), but others as well. Before you decide to drink THINK on what it can do to you and others. If you HAVE to drink make sure you can trust someone that will stay there with you and not drink to take you home safely. This problem is not only to the youth in America but also to adults as well. I used a young girl at the beginning to relate to the majority of the readers. Adults need to remember that they are not invincible as well. Some think they are “OK” to drive home but can get into an accident just as well.
Information found at: Why So Popular?
Marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient is THC. It gives you the feeling of being “high.” The amount determines the drug’s strength. The effects of smoking marijuana are generally felt within a few minutes and the short term effects wear off within two to three hours. Marijuana induces a sense of well-being and a dreamy state of relaxation and feeling mellow that encourages fantasies and distorts perception. Users often feel an increase of hunger, or the “munchies.” Long term effects are not yet known but the THC can play a role in causing problems in the respiratory and immune systems.
Knowing this, then why is it so popular? Most of you reading this probably know the answer. It is relatively cheap and easy to obtain. According to the 1998 National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, half of all 13-year-olds said that they can find and purchase marijuana. Of teens surveyed, 49 percent said that they had first tried marijuana at age 13 or younger. The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University found adolescents who smoke marijuana are 85 times more likely to use cocaine than their peers that do not smoke marijuana. Many high school students sell marijuana to one another. Teens say that it is easier to get than beer or cigarettes.
Average Street Prices / Amount / Quality
$17.50 / 3.5grams / low
$88.75 / 28grams / low
Marijuana Prices, Chicago, 2000
KEY: [ Commercial Grades = CG Higher Grades = HG ]
$3-$5 CG
$7–$10 HG
$50–$75 CG
$200–$500 HG
$900–$1,200 CG
$2,500–$4,000 HG
These charts are good examples of just how cheap you can get this drug. The use of hydroponic techniques, which is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil, in growing marijuana, is likely to have enhanced productivity, with a result of lower prices for consumers. The rural areas of Illinois provide an environment for the domestic growth of marijuana.
Where does the use of marijuana sit in our culture? Today many are proposing that marijuana be legalized. Advocates for legal marijuana say that a regulated, taxed marijuana trade could help boost some state’s economy. Their goal is to reduce the abuse of cannabis, the elimination of marijuana related crimes, and set up a grading system for marijuana quality and would ban additives. I think that legalizing marijuana will not be something that will happen in my generation. People that are pro legalization of marijuana probably won’t stop until they get what they want. Until then, it is important for our youth especially to be educated in its risks and what it is because people are growing it, buying it, selling it, and using it, even though it is illegal.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Importance of the American Flag
This last September, a few veterans came to Aquin. They talked to us about the importance of the American Flag. We were shown how to fold the American Flag properly. He also explained The Pledge of Alligence to us, word for word. This explained to the other students and me how important the American Flag really is to our country.
The American Flag is a symbol of pride and hope. It is a symbol of unity; the unity of the 50 states. It also represents all of the men and women who are fighting, and those who have died, protecting the USA.
After this, we were shown examples of how people had disrespected the flag. They showed us flags that were ripped and torn, but they also showed us flags that had images drawn, painted, or sewn onto them. These are just a few examples of how people disrespect the American Flag.
People have also used the American Flag to show their support for the country. On September 11, 2001 Wal-Mart sold a whopping 116,000 American Flags on that day alone. How does this compare? On September 11, 2000, one year earlier, 6,400 American Flags were sold by Wal-Mart. This really shows that when the country needed our help the most, the citizens supported it.
Our country's way of displaying our flag is somewhat rare among the other countries. In many countries, such as Germany and Italy, their flag is rarely, if ever, displayed. In other countries, such as Norway and The United States, the flag is displayed where ever and whenever it is possible.
When I was younger, my family used to host foreign exchange students in our home for a few weeks each year. One women, I do not remember where she was from, asked my mom why we display flags everywhere in our country. My mom told her that it shows unity and that we support our country. My mom was surprised to find out that she did not do the same in her country. The woman still could not grasp the idea. She said the she thought it was weird, and a bit tacky. She did not see the point in displaying your country's flag.
The American Flags is a symbol of pride, hope, unity, and it represents everyone fighting for the country. Displaying the American Flag at your homes show that you support the USA even if you do not agree with everything that the President says or does. I believe that everyone should display the flag at their home to show their support.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sports: Pros and Cons
Sports are a very big part of
Participating in sports is something that everyone wants to take part in. This can be very helpful in developing social skills like creating friends with teammates and even creates a sense of competition. Your entire life you will have to deal with other people. Some may like you and some may not. This is easily exemplified by your team or your competition in sports.
Discipline is a very important skill that can be developed while playing sports. In sports you need to arrive to practice on time, be prepared for anything, and be relied upon by your teammates and coach. You have to work hard with your grades in order to stay eligible. This is easily relatable to your job life. If you’re always late, disrespect your coworkers, and never get any work done then you should be swiftly fired.
An interest in sports may also lead to bad things. A first is a lack of interest in academics. You may just keep your grades high enough to play but always think sports first and school after. A typical stereotype for someone that plays a sport is that they are an arrogant jerk, also known as the jock. This shows that bad social skills may be developed if you regard yourself as physically better than others. This will get you nowhere in life because no matter who you are, there is someone more powerful than you.
Sports also have another side-effect. They are the party and betting aspects of sports. Betting is always a bad habit to have. Betting is illegal in many sports and it’s also advocated in others. Betting in the illegal side is hidden through things like fantasy leagues and the sort. They involve a group of people picking athletes to be on there team and they keep track of points that they earn in order to beat the other teams. This makes it seem like it’s fair competition but it’s just like betting.
The partying side of sports can also get out of hand. On many occasions, streets and towns have been utterly destroyed because of fan celebrations. Fans roam the streets drinking and partying. They flip cars and vandalize street signs and buildings. In 1994, a riot broke out in
Sports can be a very fun and exhilarating source of entertainment. We can learn some of life’s valuable lessons from competing and be led into some life lows by watching it. No matter how sports are looked at they will remain one of the biggest parts of American culture.
Information found at:
Get Out and Meet People!
It used to be that adults yelled at their children for having their phones at the dinner table, now parents even have their phones out during family time. Teenagers have been seen texting in church and the occasional adult leaves for an emergency phone call. Now I am not saying cell phones are all together a horrible thing. Doctors have them in case a patient needs to contact them quickly. Ask people if they would live without their cell phone or hot water for one week, many would probably give up the hot water.
Their is actually a program in which an adult can record themselves reading a book and put it in an mp3 format so that their child can listen to them read at any time. I understand if a parent is separated by a long distance and wants their child to hear their voice, but there are workaholic parents who would rather record themselves than actually put the work away for twenty minutes to read to their child. Schools do everything online. Announcements are posted online and updated frequently, but for the people who don't log onto their computers hourly these may be missed. If it is not announced at the beginning of the school day I have no idea what is going on. When a college posts things online it is understandable because there are hundreds or thousands of students, but when a school holding less than 150 students posts everything online and doesn't always announce things, that is crazy.
Many people say the Internet is more convenient. You can pay bills online, grocery shop, Christmas shop, fall in love, find friends. Really? It takes ten minutes tops, to go inside the post office, buy stamps, place them on the envelopes, and drop them in a mailbox. You may even have to talk to postman, but it is so sad that people honestly cannot take the time to do that simple chore. The Internet has the possibility to make someone a shut in! You can order groceries online and have them delivered to your front door! If you want to meet people go to a club, go to church, go outside of your house! Where do we draw the line between convenience and avoidance?
My main point is that people should not rely on the Internet to meet people or avoid actual interaction. Don't use your phone constantly, you may miss the good times around you. Hopefully when we grow up and have families we can take time and read to our children.