As students today, we seem to spend a lot of time on the internet. We are either playing games, looking up information for homework assignments, checking grades, looking at pictures, reading up on our world, ex cetera, or on facebook or another popular social networking site. It is even the normative to do many of these tasks at the same time, but people don't seem to realize the addiction quality that sites like Facebook posess, and when their small addiction turns into a medical condition.
Facebook may seem like a great way to stay connected to friends and family, especially when your away at college, and it is, but 1 out of every 8 Americans suffers an internet addiction problem. It's not just the "porn people" or the "gamblers". It is everyday people like, Facebook users. To be diagnosed with having FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder) You must meet the criteria of having 2 or 3 of the following 6 problems at any time during the last 6-8 month time period:
2/. After reduction of Facebook use or cessation, it causes distress or impairs social, personal or occupational functioning such as wondering why your Vista is so fast and improved etc. These include anxiety; obsessive thinking about what is written on your wall on Facebook etc.
3/. Important social or recreational activities are greatly reduced and or migrated to Facebook. Instead of sending an email you post a message on your friend’s page about canceling a lunch appointment. You now stop answering your phone call from your Mom and insist she should contact you through Facebook chat.
4/ This is getting serious if you start kissing your girlfriend's home page or a VRML virtual walk through a park is your idea of a date.
5/ Your bookmark takes 20 minutes just to scroll from top to bottom or 8 of 10 people in your friend's list you have no idea of who they are.
6/ When you meet people you start introducing yourself by following "see you in Facebook" or your dog has its own Facebook profile. You invite anyone you've met and any notifications, messages and invites reward you with an unpredictable high, much like gambling
Facebook makes it seem like this disorder is funny, and is a good thing. They have over 500 groups you can join and online tests to see if you qualify as an addict and laugh about your daily dosages of facebook. (a link to the test http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=62885203000&topic=6681 ) Facebook also offers a 12 step service to recovery, but it is more of a joke than a serious matter. According to an anti-Facebook blog entitled, sickfacebook.com there are over 350 million people suffering with serious addiction conditions and their sites photo compares these addictions to that of a crack abuser.
Based on statistics from the site:http://www.modernghana.com/news/245903/1/infected-with-facebook-addiction-disorder-fad.html, they indicate that over 6 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day worldwide with 4 million status updates and 2 billion photos updated!! There are over 65 million active users and research also shows that an average of 50% of the people use their Facebook daily. Facebook comes in over 70 different languages and is a worldwide phenomenon that connects people from America, Africa, Korea, Europe, Ex Cetera...
The reason so many people are addicted is because they don't know how to answer the question: How do you know when to judge what's enough Facebook? My suggestion would be to refrain from 24/7 notifications on your phone, and keeping your laptop open all night waiting for comments or messages. Don't let Facebook be the first thing you check when you wake up. Test yourself and see how long you can stay away from Facebook, or specify a specific amount of time each day to be on it. It can be a great social networking website when used properly! You just need to know when it goes from a leisurely way to stay connected with friends to taking over your life, in a bad way.
I agree that we spend way to much time on facebook and other social networking sites, we should use our time better. We don't need to be on it 24/7
ReplyDeleteI also agree Gardner people should arrange and limit their time that how much time to spend on entertainment sites It can harm human brain. It's matter being in time at the right place. Good job
This is crazy! What if they have Facebook rehab? hahaha Seriously though, the world is always getting addicted to everything new that connects with other people, what's up with that?
ReplyDeleteA pretty good post; only a few spelling and grammar errors. Could have benefited from a stronger connection to this blog's theme, but I can see the connection implicitly as it is.
ReplyDeleteI did the math with the numbers you supplied above: the average user spends 1.5 hours on Facebook every day. Compared with internet use in general or even television watching, this isn't that big of a deal. But all the same, I see that the main point of this attack on Facebook is to remind your readers that virtual relationships do not offer the same benefits as relationships in "RL". I can't disagree with you there.
I agree that people spend too much time on facebook, but people spend too much time on the computer in general. Plus I honestly have to say that I thought this blog was a joke at first. I mean c'mon, Facebook Addiction Disorder. Are we going to start a Facebook Anonymous group or something. Honestly, I felt that this post was a waste.
ReplyDeletePeople do spend too much time on Facebook! Do they seriously have nothing else to do?? I mean, I'm on Facebook every once in awhile, but not hours at a time. People need to find something more productive to do.
ReplyDeleteI gree. Many peope think that they are not addicted by Facebook. However, they want to go Facebook daily and spend most of day in there. Sometimes, they really need to visit Facebooks to contact with friends. However, many people just want to go Facebook by unconciously. This is absolutely a serious problem.
ReplyDeleteFacebook has many people addicted!
ReplyDeleteMost of us can relate to this. We do not need to rely on facebook nor should we use it daily.
ReplyDeleteI agree! Some people need to get out in the real world and get off Facebook. People need to know where the line is between normal Facebook use and crazy Facebook use.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to lie, I have facebook running on another tab right now. I guess I've got a few symptoms of "F.A.D.".
ReplyDeleteI agree. Some people are addicted to facebook.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your post allot of people are addicted to facebook.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree that facebook is very addicting thats why I try to stay off of it.
ReplyDeleteI think it is really sad that peeople are truly addicted to facebook.
ReplyDeleteFacebook and other chat sites should be used to keep in touch with friends and family. It has become and addiction and obsession to many.
ReplyDeleteI think people spend too much time on facebook and I think it is pretty sad that people are actually addicted to it.
ReplyDeleteBut its also good to make a friend though.
ReplyDeleteI dont think interent is bad if we use internet enough.
Hahahaha. I didn't really think about facebook this badly. It can help you get a life but take it away too.
ReplyDeleteNow that I think of it, I definately use facebook too much. Whenever I'm doing homework or writing a paper, I'm always on facebook as well!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA guess who doesn't have or need a facebook? This chick right here! way to creep on each other though!
ReplyDeleteI have a facebook, but i do not even really use it. It is not ALL bad lol but yes there needs to be some people who cut back and NOT CREEP