Have you ever seen a movie that when people die they go through a tunnel towards a light? Is this actually true? One of the most interesting question about life that sometimes you might not be able to answer is life after death. Is it real? Where is it? Or what is it look like? After I have been researching, I found out that most of the answer is based on religious beliefs.
According to my research, most of the American people that is Christian believe in Jesus Christ. They believe "The good people go to Heaven and the bad people go to Hell." People who believe in God and trust in Jesus to save them go to be with Jesus in heaven. People who do not believe in God or who trust in their own goodness to save them go to Hades. Non-believers are thrown into the Lake of Fire along with Satan and his demons. Believers will then spend eternity with God in the New Jerusalem. So, we know that there are only 2 places we can go after death which is Heaven and Hell. There is no specific definition of heaven and hell but Heaven represent an eternal happy life where Hell is the opposite.
While Buddhist believe something slightly different. They believe in reincarnation. The life after death depends on your karma (your good and bad action in this life). Your karma will also effect your last thought that will determine your next birth and or the reincarnation. You might be born in the heaven or hell or you might come back as a human again in new life as a new person. And it is also possible that you might be born as an animal too. After your next life there will be another next life. The only way you can stop this wheel of suffering (Samsara) is following the instruction of the teaching of Buddha to become enlightened and enter the state of nirvana. The easier way to say this is if we do good things more than bad things in this life you probably have a good life after death.
The similarity between this two religion is what you do in this life will effect your life after death. And they are all encourage you to do good things. But regardless to all that religion beliefs where do you think you going after death? Maybe it is going to be a whole new world or born in other planet or we just disappeared? What if we never die and it happens to be that our body turns off while your mind still awake and walk around like an invisible soul? Our imagination can go on and on. We can see some of our imagination, thought, and beliefs about life after death are being put in many sources like movies, music, literature or etc. So many different answers can’t be all right, but they all may be wrong. Who would know the truth? Where do think you will go after you death?