Because of the pure animosity of the internet, one is not held responsible for his actions. Any joe shmoe can log in, post whatever his mind can delude him into thinking, and write it off as truth. We see this often in our school systems; so called "Wikipedia-warriors" coming in with no actual knowledge of what the subject is about. Us as Americans are most likely more apt to do this, as we rely more heavily on computers and cyberspace then any other culture in history. We have all the libraries and museums we could possibly ask for, but instead we choose the path of the keyboard, logging on to fulfill our information needs, rather than visit these buildings.
You have to remember though, I'm not saying that everything on the internet is a fallacy. Some of the best things you could ever learn is waiting for you, lurking behind some website URL, or in a random trivia page. In order to find these "Oasises" of learning though, you have to do a bit of research. When you find a piece of info you think is true, make sure to cross check it against other, reliable websites. Obviously, you should probably trust an official Webster's Dictionary site over some random message board when pertaining to the usage of words.
And I'm not even going to start on the topic of viruses and the like.
But I've dragged on long enough about this, you guys would probably be happy (Insert picture here to distract you...look at the picture.....

(Lol I love this picture)
But the morale of this blog is simply this. Watch what you find on the internet, not all of it is out to help you.
Longfellow out.